
最終更新日 : 2010-08-21 22:07:05

Aug 16 09:54 am (PDT):

I'm writing to let you know that your application, Twitpacker, is breaking some of our Trademark Guidelines ( ). Specifically, it imitates the Twitter logo and uses images of the Twitter bird without permission. Please change the font and/or color of your site's logo to differentiate it from Twitter's, and remove all instances of the Twitter bird from images used on your site.

Additionally, we request that you remove the ability to follow "packages" that other users have created. Being able to follow all of the users of a pre-defined package in one action breaks our Automation Rules ( ). A user may create their own package and manually specify who they would like to follow, but they may not bulk-follow other users when they have not chosen them.

We'll check back on Tuesday, August 24th, and please make sure these changes are made by then. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Let us know if you have any questions!
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